Tacoma WA Port with a beautiful sunset
Our Life-Changing Solutions

Dr. Giesy provides TMJ disorder and sleep apnea services in Tacoma and the Puget Sound area. We have many solutions to relieve your headaches, jaw pain, and snoring.

‘‘I didn't think it would be possible to have relief from snoring. My wife was skeptical. After getting my snoring appliance, the next morning my wife said she didn't hear me snoring at all. We realized the appliance was working, and ever since, we've had nothing but sleep every night.’’

Steve, Actual Sleep Apnea Patient

Headache & Craniofacial Pain Treatment

A woman visibly having a headeache
An xray showing a big headeache due to craniofacial pain


Seemingly “incurable” headache, ear pain, or facial pain could be generated by your jaw joints, bite, and/or spasm in the facial muscles. The majority of TMD sufferers are women; however, it also effects men, children, and adolescents.

This type of issue could be a sign of TMJ disorder (or TMD). Not knowing the signs, many people search for expensive answers and relief from common symptoms.

  • Symptoms include:
    Chronic headaches
    Facial pain
    Ear fullness or pain
    Neck pain or stiffness
    Tired jaws
    Clicking, popping, grating in jaw joint
    Difficulty closing the teeth together
    Limited jaw opening or locking
    Swallowing difficulty
    Pain when chewing
An skeleton model showing a big headeache

Diagnosis & Treatment

At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Washington, Dr. Giesy will conduct an extensive evaluation during your consultation and will even partner with doctors in the surrounding area to alleviate your symptoms.

TMJ Disorders

A woman in a white background with jawpain

44 million people in North America suffer from cardiovascular disease and 40 million from symptoms of TMD. At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Washington, we understand that these conditions are related.


There are many causes of TMD; however, they often involve the relationship between your teeth, the TM joints, supporting ligaments, and associated musculature. The clicking, popping, or grating of the jaw joints are caused by the abnormal movement of the discs as they move over the head of the joints upon opening and closing.

  • Common causes of TMJ include:
    Trauma: Direct and indirect trauma to the masticatory structures and upper quadrant can lead to TMD head, neck, and facial pain. Strains, sprains, and injuries can lead to both pain and dysfunction. Either micro or macro traumas may be etiologic factors.
    Improper occlusion: When teeth do not fit together properly, it causes sustained microtrauma to the joints. When this condition is prolonged, the body begins to compensate by involving muscles in other areas: the neck, throat, and upper back.
    Muscle hyperactivity: This goes hand-in-hand with internal jaw joint problems. Any condition that prevents the complex system of muscles, bones, and joints from working together in harmony can contribute to TMD. Some of the various ways this system can be disrupted include trauma, connective tissue disorders, arthritis, or skeletal malformation.
    Stress: Increased physical and emotional stress is another factor that impacts patients with TMD as it reduces the adaptive capabilities of the jaw. Some patients unconsciously brux and/or clench their teeth in response to increased stress. Chronic clenching and bruxing creates strain on the TM joints and muscles which can exacerbate TMD problems.
    Head and neck muscle imbalance
    Chronic mouth breathing (snoring/sleep apnea)
    Poor tongue position
Headeache xray skeleton graphic


The most common symptom of TMD is noise from the joint, but it can also be present without joint noise. Jaw problems, migraines, chronic headaches, and musculoskeletal pain are symptoms of a greater problem effecting the body – much like a fever is secondary to the flu.

  • Many TMD patients complain of:
    Chronic headaches
    Limited jaw movement
    Clicking and popping sounds in the jaw joints (TMJ)
    Ear pain/fullness
    Facial, neck, and shoulder pain
The Solution

When an occlusion problem or tissue damage to the head, neck, and facial area is diagnosed, it is important to have an evaluation by a trained and qualified TMD dentist, like Dr. Giesy.

He’ll perform a thorough examination of your jaw joints, neck, head, and facial features to obtain an accurate diagnosis. The standard method is to craft an orthotic (splint) for stabilization. Depending on your situation, other options may be recommended.

  • Treatment options include:
    Physical therapy
    Massage therapy
    Hot/cold therapy
    Spray and stretch
    Various injections
    Stress counseling
    Relaxation therapy
    Nutrition counseling
A mature woman with jawpain
Headeache xray graphic
‘‘My jaw wouldn't open the whole way, and it was popping. I came to see Dr. Giesy, and I've been using the orthotics therapy for 12 weeks. Now, my discomfort is completely gone and my jaw is back to normal. I'm grateful to have it all fixed.’’

Jessica, Actual TMJ Patient

Neck & Shoulder Pain
A young man in a gray background with heavy neck and shoulder pain
The Problem

Neck and shoulder pain could be signs of a much larger problem of TMJ disorder. The majority of TMD sufferers are women; although men, young children, and adolescents are also effected. Too often patients endure a frustrating and expensive doctor-to-doctor search to find answers for relief from symptoms. A dentist who is trained and experienced in TMD is usually the one who treats it conservatively.

The Solution

With neck and shoulder pain, we may use TMD treatments. A custom-made orthotic (splint) is usually prescribed for orthopedic and musculoskeletal stabilization. While many of the symptoms are temporarily improved with pharmacological agents such as analgesics, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics, and anti-depressants, additional adjunctive therapies can make a significant impact.

  • Common therapies:
    Physical therapy
    Massage therapy
    Hot/cold therapy
    Spray and stretch
    Various injections
    Stress counseling
    Relaxation therapy
    Nutrition counseling

Sleep Apnea Treatment

A men snoring next to a woman holding a pillow

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when someone stops breathing for at least 10 seconds up to 30 times or more throughout the night.

Snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea, a cessation of breathing during sleep, which can put a great strain on the cardiovascular system. This is why sleep apnea, if left untreated, increases the risk for heart attack and stroke.

  • Other symptoms could include:
    Morning headaches
    Dry mouth and throat
    Excessive daytime sleepiness
    Sudden short-of-breath awakenings, choking, or gasping
    Lost interest in sex
A black and white hand with a "stop snoring" sign in it
Oral Appliance Approach

At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Washington, Dr. Giesy offers a conservative approach with a custom-made oral appliance. This nonsurgical approach is made to wear during sleep, which gently moves your lower jaw forward, opening up your airway.

If poor sleep interferes with your daily activities like remaining alert during meetings, while watching television, or when driving or operating equipment, then discuss it with Dr. Giesy and our team. We will help you determine what course of treatment is best for you. Your health is your most priceless possession; you are worth the investment.

Results of Sleep Loss

There are many side effects when you don’t get enough sleep. Let’s closely examine how they may effect you personally.

  • How might you be impacted:
    You are always tired and have no energy or drive
    You wake up feeling awful, sometimes with a terrible headache
    You gain weight
    You are no longer interested in sex
    You have trouble concentrating and are not productive
    You fall asleep anytime, anywhere
    You get angry or irritable on a fairly regular basis
    You feel depressed or notice mood changes

If you think that you or a loved one may suffer from this sleep disorder, please call to schedule a visit to TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Washington.

A men snoring next to a woman
A hand with a "stop snoring" sign in it

Ready to Breathe, Sleep, Heal, and Live Again?